Mark Birkin

Professor of Spatial Analysis and Policy and Director for the Leeds Institute for Data Analytics (LIDA). Mark is also director of the Consumer Data Research Centre (CDRC), his major interests are in simulating social and demographic change within cities and regions, and in understanding the impact of these changes on the need for services like housing, roads and hospitals, using techniques of microsimulation, agent-based modelling and GIS.
He is co-editor of the journal Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy, a member of the editorial board of GeoInformatics and GeoStatistics, and on the programme committee for the European Social Simulation Association and GeoComputation.
Alex Singleton

Alex Singleton is a Professor of Geographic Information Science at the University of Liverpool, where he was appointed as a Lecturer in 2010. Previously he held research positions at University College London, where he was also awarded a PhD in 2007. He completed a BSc in Geography at the University of Manchester, graduating with a First-class honours degree in 2003.
Gwilym Pryce

Gwilym is Director of The Sheffield Methods Institute and Professor of Urban Economics and Social Statistics with the Department of Urban Studies and Planning at The University of Sheffield. He is also Co-Director of the ESRC AQMeN Research Centre and Chair of the White Rose DTC Advanced Quantitative Methods Development Group.
His core research interests are largely in the broad field of urban economics, and most of his research publications have been on housing and mortgage markets.

Nuno Pinto

Eleri Pound
Eler Pound is the CDT Centre Manager as well as as an administrator for the Cosumer Data Research Centre. She completed a PhD in Music Composition at the University of Leeds in 2008. She has worked at the University in varioius research support roles since 2005 and has been manager for CDAS since its creation in 2017. Eleri’s working days are Monday, Thursday and Friday.