Abdur-Rahman Ridwan | Collaborative development of Smart phone Experience Sampling Methods and effective wellbeing place management interventions in Kings Cross London | Lesley-Anne Carter | Kings Cross Central Partnership | Manchester | abdur-rahman.ridwan@postgrad.manchester.ac.uk | |
Akos Balog | A Digital Twin of Resilient Future Retail Centres for Post Pandemic Social and Economic Recovery | Ron Mahabir | Liverpool City Region Combined Authority | Liverpool | sgabalog@liverpool.ac.uk | |
Alice Campbell | Geographies of Engagement: Spatial Understanding of Arts Attendance | Mark Taylor | The Audience Agency | Sheffield | aecampbell1@sheffield.ac.uk | |
Amy Jungmin Seo | Smart Personalized Customer Services by Federated Machine Learning and Evidential Reasoning | Jian-Bo Yang | Tech Valley Ltd | Manchester | jungmin.seo@postgrad.manchester.ac.uk | |
Ana Nicoriciu | Poverty, unpaid care, disability in the UK | Mark Elliot | Oxfam | Manchester | anamaria.nicoriciu@postgrad.manchester.ac.uk |  |
Annabel Whipp | Agent-Based Modelling and Dynamic Data Assimilation for Modelling Urban Dynamics | Nick Malleson | Leeds City Council | Leeds | gy14aw@leeds.ac.uk | |
Ben Gardner | Modelling of passenger clearance at the UK Border (with Border Force) | Gwilym Pryce | Home Office | Sheffield | BDGardner1@sheffield.ac.uk |  |
Ben Palfreeman-Watt | Using social network analysis to understand offending and victimisation | Reka Solymos | Metropolitan Police Service | Manchester | | |
Ben Pryce | Child protection and criminalisation: A data analytics approach | Nathan Hughes | Thames Valley Violence Reduction Unit | Sheffield | | |
Bethany Arnold | Exploring the impact of digital technologies on health and wellbeing outcomes | Paul Martin | Hampshire County Council | Sheffield | Bmarnold1@sheffield.ac.uk | |
Brett Hull
| The usefulness of online customer reviews and how it can be improved | Sajid Siraj
| First Group
| Leeds | gybmh@leeds.ac.uk
| |
Cameron Ward | Understanding the Energy Efficiency of the UK’s Housing Stock and forecasting how to meet national carbon reduction targets | Caitlin Robinson | EON | Liverpool | c.ward7@liverpool.ac.uk | |
Caroline Tait | How can observational datasets be used to evaluate the impact of cycling infrastructure on cycling participation and safety | Roger Beecham | CycleStreets.net | Leeds | ugm4cjt@leeds.ac.uk | |
Cecile de Bezenac | Agent-based modelling for understanding individual mobility in cities | Alison Heppenstall
| The Alan Turing Institute | Leeds | gycdb@leeds.ac.uk
| |
Christie Butcher | The characteristics and experiences of carers in the UK: trends and variations 2001-2021 | Sue Yeandle | Carers UK | Sheffield | CButcher1@sheffield.ac.uk | |
Cillian Berragan
| Improving the Geolocation of Emergency Service Response through Big Data
| Alex Singleton
| Ordnance Survey
| Liverpool | C.Berragan@liverpool.ac.uk
| |
Danial Owen | Urban sensors: exploiting the opportunities | Dani Arribas-Bel | Idom | Liverpool | d.w.owen@liverpool.ac.uk |  |
Daniel Chaib | Young Carers: Care experiences, service use and outcomes | Nathan Hughes | Sheffield Young Carers | Sheffield | | |
David Bareham | Supporting Complex Legal Decision Making through Data Science | Katie Atkinson | Taylor Wessing | Liverpool | D.Bareham@liverpool.ac.uk | |
Deborah Olukan | Heterogeneity in Agent-based models | Jonathan Ward | Improbable | Leeds | mm17do@leeds.ac.uk |  |
Eleanor Bale | Social Frontiers in Residential Segregation: A Data Analytics Approach | Gwilym Pryce | Delft | Sheffield | elbale1@sheffield.ac.uk | |
Emily Coupland | Understanding media use in an age of big data | Helen Kennedy | Dubit | Sheffield | ejcoupland1@sheffield.ac.uk | |
Eran Livne | Decarbonisation and Shared Mobility: The spatio-temporal analysis of Enterprise Holdings UK data | Ian Phillips | Enterprise Ltd | Leeds | gyeli@leeds.ac.uk | |
Erica Kane | Exploring the potential of Natural Language Processing techniqies for information extraction from Parole Board decision letters’ | Jose Pina-Sánchez | Parole Board | Leeds | lw16em@leeds.ac.uk |  |
Eugeni Vidal Tortosa | Cycling equity and socioeconomic disadvantage | Robin Lovelace | | Leeds | ts16evt@leeds.ac.uk | |
Fran Pontin | Identifying the activity and habits of individuals in a large geospatial dataset | Nik Lomax | Active Inspiration | Leeds | fs14fp@leeds.ac.uk | |
Gladys Kenyon | Hedonic pricing models based on Machine Learning | Dani Arribas-Bel | Idealista | Liverpool | G.E.Kenyon@liverpool.ac.uk | |
Hadley Beresford | Algorithmic bias: patterns, consequences and alternatives | Helen Kennedy | DWP | Sheffield | hrberesford1@sheffield.ac.uk | |
Harriet Patrick | The financial costs of unpaid care in geographical context | Sue Yeandle | ONS | Sheffield | habpatrick1@sheffield.ac.uk | |
Harry Odell | Understanding the construction of metropolitan areas through data analytics: the case of GMCA | Nuno Pinto | Greater Manchester Combined Authority | Manchester | harry.odell@postgrad.manchester.ac.uk | |
Inés Francois | Using data analytics to understand children’s food choice behaviour | Hannah Ensaff | SchoolGrid | Leeds | gyif@leeds.ac.uk | |
James Murphy
| Using big data to design resilient coastal cities
| Andy Plater
| Marlan Maritime Technologies Ltd
| Liverpool | James.murphy@liverpool.ac.uk
| |
Jennie Gray | Identifying and Predicting Neighbourhood Level Gentrification: A Data Primitive Approach | Alexis Comber | TransUnion | Leeds | gyjhg@leeds.ac.uk | |
Jennifer Murphy | Measuring and Evaluating the Impact Of Devolution | Mark Elliot | Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership | Manchester | jennifer.murphy@postgrad.manchester.ac.uk | |
Juan Fonseca Zamora | Nationally scalable and adaptive methods for traffic estimation with open data | Robin Lovelace | Department for Transport | Leeds | ts18jpf@leeds.ac.uk | |
Juliana Novaes | Developing interactive notebooks to support algorithm transparency in data-driven government | Roger Beecham | Leicestershire County Council | Leeds | gyjnbd@leeds.ac.uk | |
Katie Weir | Tackling Educational Inequality: A Data Analytics Approach | Nathan Hughes | Thames Valley Violence Reduction Unit | Sheffield | kweir1@sheffield.ac.uk | |
Keiran Suchak | Developing Methods for Real-time Pedestrian Agent-Based Modelling: An Ensemble Kalman Filter Approach | Nick Malleson | Leeds City Council | Leeds | mm15ks@leeds.ac.uk |  |
Laura Pemberton
| Assisted by AI: Attitudes and Understanding | Nikolay Mehandjiev | BT | Manchester | laura.pemberton@student.manchester.ac.uk
|  |
Lena Kilian | Estimating and evaluating spatial and longitudinal consumption-based emissions of UK households | Anne Owen | | Leeds | gylk@leeds.ac.uk |  |
Lucy Nelson | A Digital Twin of Future Inclusive and Decarbonised Public Transportation Services | Olga Gkountouna | Liverpool City Region Combined Authority | Liverpool | | |
Luis Ross Perez | Integrating data and simulation towards a mobility services decision support system | Nuno Pinto | Transport for Greater Manchester | Manchester | Luis.RossPerez@postgrad.manchester.ac.uk | |
Maria Galazoula | Can food purchase data inform us about food intake, food security and food sustainability? | Janet Cade | Dietary Assessment Ltd. | Leeds | gy16mg@leeds.ac.uk | |
Maria Ibarra Gutierrez
| Using data analytics to understand pension accumulation
| Debora Price
| Manchester | mariafernanda.ibarragutierrez@postgrad.manchester.ac.uk
| |
Maryam Ali | Advancing the Use of Administrative Data in Official Statistics | Natalie Shlomo | ONS | Manchester | maryam.ali-2@postgrad.manchester.ac.uk | |
Matthew Howard | Regional Inequity of Financial Vulnerabilities and Indebtedness over Time | Caitlin Robinson | Registry Trust | Liverpool | sgmhowar@liv.ac.uk | |
Maya Middleton-Welch | Understanding the Supply and Demand for Citizens Advice | Mark Green | Citizens Advice | Liverpool | maya.middleton-welch@liverpool.ac.uk | |
Melanie Green | Automating detailed urban data extraction from high resolution aerial imagery | Dani Arribas-Bel | Ordnance Survey | Liverpool | m.o.green@liverpool.ac.uk |  |
Mira Kenzhebay | Detecting Population and Built Environment Change from Space and their Impacts on Buried Utility Assets | Jeremiah Nieves | MGISS | Liverpool | | |
Mushtahid Salam | Piloting digital approaches to evaluate population level change in wellbeing behaviours | James Evans | Buro Happold | Manchester | mdmushtahid.salam@postgrad.manchester.ac.uk |  |
Nastazja Laskowski | Data anonymisation and data privacy for clinical trial data | Mark Elliot | Roche | Manchester | nastazja.laskowski@postgrad.manchester.ac.uk | |
Nathan Khadaroo-Mccheyne
| Citizen Data Science for Public Good
| Reka Solymosi
| Open Data Manchester CIC
| Manchester | nathan.khadaroo@postgrad.manchester.ac.uk
| |
Noelyn Onah | Using data analytics to explore the connection and impact of social science and economics in the world of healthcare | Richard Allmendinger | International Burn Injury Database/NHS Medical Data Solutions and Services | Manchester | chimdimma.onah@postgrad.manchester.ac.uk |  |
Oliver Beatson | Evaluating the merits of Survey and Observational Data in National Election Studies | Rachel Gibson | YouGov | Manchester | Oliver.beatson@postgrad.manchester.ac.uk | |
Olivia Horsefield | Improving estimates of alcohol-related crime with geographic and data science methods | Carly Lightowlers | Merseyside Police | Liverpool | O.J.Horsefield@liverpool.ac.uk |  |
Patrick Ballantyne | Retail centre geographies: who, what, where and how | Paul Williamson | Geolytix | Liverpool | patrickballantyne24@gmail.com |  |
Rhiannon Thomas | Data Analytical Approach to Crime Prevention and Resource Allocation | Nathan Hughes | South Yorkshire Police | Sheffield | rthomas6@sheffield.ac.uk | |
Rhiannon Williams
| Tackling Homelessness in the UK: A Data Analytics Approach
| Gwilym Pryce
| Shelter | Sheffield | rswilliams2@sheffield.ac.uk
| |
Ridda Ali
| Whole systems approach to obesity: Integrating causal inference methodology | Mark Gilthorpe
| MoreLife
| Leeds | gyral@leeds.ac.uk | |
Rifny Rachman | Adaptive AI Decision Agents for Holistic Supply Chain Optimisation: Merging Societal and Business Objectives | Richard Allmendinger | Peak AI Ltd | Manchester | | |
Ron Bar-Ad | Digital twinning for urban evaluation: the cases of Belval and Manchester | Nuno Pinto | LISER Luxembourg Institute of Social and Economic Research | Manchester | ron.bar-ad@postgrad.manchester.ac.uk |  |
Ruth Neville | Predicting demand for UK HE within the global HE market | Alex Singleton | UCAS | Liverpool | Ruth.Neville@liverpool.ac.uk | |
Ryan Urquhart | Enhancing network and location planning methods for grocery retail e-commerce | Andy Newing | Major supermarket | Leeds | bn16rju@leeds.ac.uk
|  |
Sedar Olmez | Can machine learning techniques be adopted in agent-based models to aide in the development of better human decision-making? | Alison Heppenstall | The Alan Turing Institute | Leeds | gysol@leeds.ac.uk |  |
Shivani Sickotra | Advancing Economic Development in South Yorkshire: A Data Analytics Approach | Gwilym Pryce | Sheffield City Region | Sheffield | ssickotra1@sheffield.ac.uk |  |
Sian Teesdale | The urban analytics of “human weather” form and forecast | Alex Singleton | esri and HERE | Liverpool | s.e.teesdale@liverpool.ac.uk |  |
Ray Morrison | Patterns of Engagement: Commonalities and Distinctions Within Arts Attendance Online and In-Person | Mark Taylor | The Audience Agency | Sheffield | srmorrison1@sheffield.ac.uk | |
Susannah Philp | Sensing Dynamic Retail Environments | Les Dolega | Local Data Company | Liverpool | S.Philp@liverpool.ac.uk |  |
Tao Wen | Data Analytics for Addressing Fake News and Deepfakes in Social Networks | Yu-wang Chen | Fujitsu UK | Manchester | tao.wen@postgrad.manchester.ac.uk | |
Thomas Cunningham | A spatial analysis approach to estimate child labour prevalence and determinants | Nuno Pinto | HACE | Manchester | thomas.cunningham-2@postgrad.manchester.ac.uk | |
Vicki Jenneson | Evaluation of consumer transactions as a source of dietary consumption information | Michelle Morris | Major Supermarket | Leeds | fs10vl@leeds.ac.uk | |
Xitong Dai | To Eat or Not to Eat Meat: The role of social influence, identity and social network on individual’s dietary choice | Jiaqi Ge | Vegetarian Society | Leeds | ps20xd@leeds.ac.uk | |