Research Training Support Grant
CDAS students will incur expenses carrying out their doctoral research; these will vary in the amount and type of expense depending on the research they are undertaking. Students may need to fund field work, surveys, secondary data purchase, laboratory analysis or the use of external facilities such as high speed computing. Students are strongly encouraged to participate in academic meetings, conferences and workshops and to present their findings and they may also need to attend university-run or external training courses, which may incur some expense. With this in mind, students are provided with a Research Training Support Grant (RTSG).
This allowance is intended to be used to pay for expenses which the student and supervisor deem to be in direct support of a student’s research and training. Examples are:
- UK and overseas fieldwork expenses;
- UK and overseas conferences and summer schools;
- Language training courses usually undertaken in the UK prior to an overseas fieldwork trip;
- Reimbursement of interpreters, guides, assistants;
- Survey costs, e.g. printing, stationery, telephone calls;
- Purchase of small items of equipment for example cameras, tape recorders or telephone and photocopying facilities in their outlet (some small items may be available to hire from your School, any equipment worth over £200 will remain in the custody of the University following completion);
- Books essential for your research.
Students may only claim from their RTSG during their funded period of study (i.e. when maintenance and fees are paid) and not during the writing up period. Students should note that they also cannot pay in advance from their RTSG for activities/items taking place after the end of the standard funding period. Overtime fees cannot be paid from your RTSG account. The funds for RTSG are pooled at a Centre level, however as a guideline we would expect students to spend up to £750 in any one year.
Widening Participation Fund
Funding is available to cover additional costs over and above the expected cost of living, for example costs relating to caring responsibilities and unexpected expenses.
Examples might be:
- childcare costs for block modules (away from your home university) and conferences
- additional transport or accommodation costs required due to disabilities
Overseas Fieldwork Fund
Funding is available for students to undertake fieldwork overseas.
Overseas Institutional Visit Fund
CDAS students can apply for additional funding, and a funded studentship extension, to undertake an Overseas Institutional Visit (OIV).
This additional funding provides you with the opportunity to go to overseas universities or esteemed research organisations to:
- Establish research networks
- Disseminate early research findings
- Participate in seminars and other academic activities that are directly relevant to your research
- Undertake specialist research training that is not available within the UK.
OIVs should not take place during the first year of the CDAS programme, and any OIVs taking place in the final year of the studentship must be completed at least three months prior to the original end date of the studentship.
Contact us
If you have any queries concerning the funding schemes we offer to students, please email